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When you sponsor a home, you or your business can be recognized as an outstanding volunteer with exclusive rewards and perks based on the tier in which you donate. The significant support we receive from our sponsors is critical to making our projects completely free for the homeowners, creating stability for families and increasing the neighborhoods overall value.


  • Capstone

    Valid for one year
    • Welcome Package
    • Annual Tax Statement
    • Logo On Website Homepage
    • Social Media Posts
  • Keystone

    Valid for one year
    • Welcome Package
    • Annual Tax Statement
    • Logo On Website Homepage
    • Social Media Posts
    • Recognition With Build Site Signage
  • Cornerstone

    Valid for one month
    • Welcome Package
    • Annual Tax Statement
    • Logo On Website Homepage
    • Social Media Posts
    • Recognition With Build Site Signage
    • Home Dedication Ceremony With Speaking Opportunity
    • Featured In Our Newsletter
    • Invitation To Annual Donor Appreciation Events
  • Pinnacle

    Valid for one year
    • Welcome Package
    • Annual Tax Statement
    • Logo On Website Homepage
    • Blog Post/ Photos Of Volunteers On Website
    • Social Media Posts
    • Recognition With Build Site Signage
    • Home Dedication Ceremony With Speaking Opportunity
    • Featured In Our Newsletter
    • Invitation To Annual Donor Appreciation Events
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